There is an old saying that goes something like this: The one thing we can always rely on not to change is change. We live in a positive entropy universe in which mater and energy are continually expanding. Hot objects cool down energy dissipates and the universe becomes homogonous. High energy molecules and atoms combine or split to become low energy molecules. Suns are made by fusing hydrogen atoms together to make Helium and by releasing energy that disipates into the void we call universe. Suns also produce other elements that combine to form meteriors and astorides and comets that eventually get together to form what we call planets. If the orbital motion of a planet is too slow it will spiral into its sun, but since most suns loose mater faster than they gain mater the gravitational attraction between sun and planet decrease so we could might expect planets to move farther and farther away from their sun with the passage of time.
ANYHOW lets come back down to earth for a momnent and look at time from a more human perspective. How long have we been around.
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