Thursday, July 23, 2009


I live in a sea of ideas that are continually struggling for expression. Some writers say that ideas are the foundation of their craft and I'm sure they are, but too many un corodinated ideas just add to a pile of clutter..
If you're lucky and catch a few before they slip through your fingersn you may be able to find a place for them, but don't wait too long because ideas are as etherial as the night sky.
ANYHOW (this is where I zoom off into a new direction and lose almost everyone, including myself, so hang on to the train)
Why do we do the things we do? Why do we read dribble? Why do we write dribble? Who do we believe? Who or what is our guiding light? Do we believe in ... "How do I know? The Bible tells me so." Do we believe in stock predictions, our parents, our teachers, our religious leaders, the Pope, our government, our children or just everyone with a letter after his name. How do we make decisions? How do we choose from the sea of ideas? The truth is inside each of us all we have to do is wade through the clutter of ideas and find it.

OK this is where I throw in my observations of truth.. Truth is something that remains constant. We will never know absolute truth. We can only get better at predicting future events based on our personal experience. Science is based on the ability to repeat an experiment over and over again with the same results. The concept of gravety is based on the mysterious attraction between bodies of matter. The attractive force between objects is based on the mass of objects as well as the distance between them. Gravitational attraction is a predictable phenomena that may be calculated although it may never be fully understood.

We rely on the myths of literature, social interaction and other observations to assemble our collective unconscious and interact with our environment.
That was a mouthful... I'm sure you know what I mean and I'm sure you can't wait for me to get to the point. I do have a point, believe it or not, but it just slipped away...
Don't worry though it will come back if it has any value. It always does. Just to be patient.

I guess the thing I am trying to say has to do with our struggle to be human, find truth and find out where we belong in the great scheme of things. This is of course something that everyone must find for themselves, but I'll give you a hint. The answer to life the universe and everything is not 42. An understanding of the truth does not rely on a single observation. The universe is the same if we view it through a microscope or telescope.

Maybe this solar workshop will shed light on how we might better fit in.


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